
As a consequence and completion of the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project (WMPP) Swan Hill contractor Mallee Earthworks (ME), a major contractor was accepted onto the contractor panel to undertake the arduous task of  infilling large earthen channels and structure removal as part of the Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water (GWMWater) Channel Decommissioning Project. The challenge to infill of one of the largest open channel systems in the world expanding an area across approximately 17,500 hectares is being undertaken by ME and its employees who consistently display a high standard of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) standards during the project.

GWMWater’s Senior Project Manager for Channel decommissioning Peter Cooper say’s team have met all challenges thrown at them with a sense of professionalism and with a courteous manner across the various Victorian shires whilst causing minimal interruption to local farming activities and other industry during the process, it’s a job well done.

Peter Cooper
GWM Water